Events & Experiences

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An Enriching Senior Living Experience

Woodbridge Place in Phoenixville is dedicated to enriching residents’ lives through a variety of wellness programs and engaging activities.

Our approach goes beyond just good food and exercise; we prioritize our community’s social health by personalizing events and experiences to align with our residents’ unique passions and hobbies.

Relax and unwind in our library, lounge, or theater, or embark on exciting adventures with our weekly off-site outings. From museums and wineries to casinos, there’s something for every interest.

Schedule a visit with our community today.

Experience Life

Our community loves diversity, so we offer a range of experiences tailored to various passions and interests. 

Here, we foster learning, joy, and personal development while elevating the living experience. Our events strengthen community bonds, enrich minds, and create a welcoming space inviting everyone to be themselves. 

What’s Around Woodbridge Place?

Nestled in the crook of French Creek, Woodbridge Place in Phoenixville offers you the outdoorsy charm of Pennsylvania landscapes right outside your doors. 

Our convenient location near Kimberton and Chester Springs opens up a world of possibilities. Enjoy shopping excursions, casino nights, or exploring local attractions with ease. We handle the transportation, so you can focus on the fun. And of course, you also have the freedom to plan your own group outings.

See What Events We Have to Offer

Discover a vibrant lifestyle at Woodbridge Place in Phoenixville. Enjoy a calendar filled with exciting on-site activities and off-campus adventures. Call us today to schedule a visit to our welcoming community.

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